Expert Group Meeting – Public Space in th Global Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development
12 – 14 JANUARY 2014, ROME, ITALY

Angelo Larocca/Dipartimento Programmazione e Attuazione Urbanistica – Roma Capitale.
The overall objective of the meeting was to contribute to the development of policy and the direction of public space, also to meet the challenges of the rapidly urbanizing world. In specific the Expert Group Meeting wanted to update the content for the “Global Public Space Toolkit”, that was designed to help city efforts to access and improve the quality, supply and equitable distribution of public spaces, since features of the toolkit will be the guidelines for citywide public space surveys and public space performance indicators.
The meeting focused on viewing public spaces, reviewing current and recommended policies on public space and review the principles addressed in the Charter of Public Space and addressing the present challenges affecting public space in urbanized cities.
The participants of the meeting represented the different scales of space consisting of experts in urban planning, architecture, urban design, and also academia, local government and civil society. The meeting resulted in policy recommendations for an overall public space policy that would be adopted by the UN-Habitat, while also providing feedback and suggestions for the content of the Global Public Space Toolkit.
To learn more about the EGM on Public Space, visit the EGM Blog