24 May 2023

09.00-13.30 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Skills of the architects for skills of the cities**
curated by CNAPPC (Consiglio Nazionale Architetti)
in collaboration with:
ACE-CAE (Architects Council of Europe)
UIA (International Union of Architects)
Department of Architecture Roma Tre
Italian/english simultaneous translation
FOREWORD [9.00-10.10]
Paola Pierotti,PPAN
- What should we ask of next generation of architects? – Josè Luis Cortes, President UIA
- What do we hope will happen in Ukrainian cities? – Ruth Shagemann, President CAE
- How do we use the Mediterranean common ground in architecture? – Amir Turki, President UMAR
- Why new skills for architects? – Francesco Miceli, President CNAPPC
- How Can Each of Us Contribute to the Agenda 2030 Goal 11 (Sustainable cities and Communities)? – Pietro Garau, Comitato Direttivo Biennale Spazio Pubblico
- How will Education accompany this process? – Giovanni Longobardi, Dean Dipartimento Architettura, UNI ROMA 3
NEB AGE [10.10-11.30]
Paola Pierotti, PPAN
- Lesson from EU architectural training – Dubravko Bacic, University of Zagreb, ACE-CAE Member
- Design in the Tassonomy Age – Carl Backstrandt, White Architecter, Stockholm, ACE- CAE Member
- Design in the NEB Age – Selma Harrington, Royal Institute of Architects Ireland (RIAI), ACE- CAE Member
- Design for the other ones – Borjslaw Czarakciew, ACE-CAE Member, Chairman of the Social Committee for the Restoration of Krakow Monuments
- Digitalization as tool not as goal – Diego Zoppi, CNAPPC Member – ACE-CAE Member
THE PLANET IS ONE [11.30-12.40]
Paola Pierotti, PPAN
- Humanity towards Sustainability through architecture – Natalie Mossin, Head of Institute of Architecture and Technology – Royal Danish Academy – UIA Coucil Region 1 Vice President
- Change Matters: the expansion of the architecture practice scope -Ricardo Camacho, University of Coimbra (P), UMAR Member
- Design from a collective intelligence – bottom up/top down – glocal culture – Carin Smuts, CSstudio architects, Cape Town (South Africa)
- Architectural skilled young people for skilled cities – Lilia Cannarella, CNAPPC Member, UIA Region 1 Council Member, UMAR Member
EDUCATION > SKILLS[12.40-13.30]
Paola Pierotti, PPAN
- Professional Educational in Italy perspective – Saverio Mecca, Full Professor-Past Dean Faculty of Architecture Florence
- Urban Economy, Human Economy – Ezio Micelli, IAUV Full Professor, Venice
- Conclusion – Paolo Malara, CNAPPC Member, Responsible for the Dept. of University, Professional Training and State Exams

09.30-10.30 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Inauguration of VII Biennial of Public Space**
Introduced by:
– Pietro Garau ( Board AssoBiSP)
Speakers :
– Greetings of the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri*
– Inaugural message from Maimunah Mohd Sharif, ( Under-secretary-general of United Nations and Executive Director of UN-Habitat )
– Massimiliano Fiorucci ( Rector of University Roma Tre)
– Giovanni Longobardi ( Director of Architecture Department of University Roma Tre)
10.30-13.00 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Inaugural greetings**
– Riccardo Petrachi (President AssoBiSP)
– Josè Luis Cortes ( Global President UIA)
– Ruth Schagemann (President ACE-CAE)
– Francesco Miceli (President CNAPPC)
– Michele Talia (President INU)
– Alessandro Panci (President OAR)
– Maria Cristina Tullio (President AIAPP)
– Andrea Margaritelli (President INARCH)
-Paolo Colarossi ( Presidente INU Lazio)
– Mario Spada (Presidente Onorario AssoBiSP)
Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
MicroDance | Eppur si muove
choreography by Francesca Lattuada
curated by Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto
14.00-18.00 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Plenary session
Global City Dialogue on Proximity**
A dialogue between global cities committed to implementing policies and interventions on urban regeneration guided by principles of proximity to identify common elements of programmatic direction.
curated by AssoBiSP
with the support of: CNAPPC (National Council of Architects)
in collaboration with:
– Diego Zoppi (ACE-CAE)
– Laura Petrella (UN-Habitat)
– Roberto Gualtieri* ( Mayor of Rome )
– Andrea Catarci (Councillor to Decentralisation of Rome)
– Maurizio Veloccia ( Councillor to Urbanism of the city of Rome)
– Hélène Chartier (C40)
The representatives of the following cities will participate, in presence or in virtual connection *: Kigali (Rwanda), Amman (Jordan), Shanghai (China), Melbourne (Australia), Paris (France), London (UK), Torino (Italy), Bologna (Italy) , Milan (Italy) , Rome (Italy), Barcelona (Spain), Medellin (Colombia), Bogotà (Colombia), Seattle (USA), Ottawa (Canada), Johannesburg (South Africa)
18.00-19.30 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Living proximity – Lecture by Ezio Manzini
Inauguration of the exhibition of the Architecture Department of University Roma Tre
curated by the Department of Architecture of the University of Roma Tre

09.30-13.00 | Aule del Dipartimento di Architettura Università Roma Tre
Morning thematic sessions
The purpose of the thematic sessions is to provide an interdisciplinary vision of proximity policies with the aim of highlighting the physical, environmental, social aspects of proximity and to activate cooperation and co-planning paths between public sector, private entities, companies, professional associations and civil society.
Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Urbanism and Economy of Proximity
Carlo Alberto Barbieri (Board AssoBiSP), Michele Talia (President INU), Paolo Testa ( Focal point of Urbanism and Urban Regeneration – Confcommercio), Maurizio Veloccia ( Councillor Urbanism to the city of Rome)
Aula Sabbatini of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Proximity and training spaces
Carolina Giaimo (Urbanistica Informazioni), Elena Andreoni (City of Rome), Gianluca Cantisani (Open School Movement)
Aula Musmeci of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Francesco de Biase (Ri-mediare), Antonella Agnoli (Library Consultant ), Manuela Alessi (Board AssoBiSP)
Aula Ridolfi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Space of proximity and connection: the case of Tevere River
curated by INU Lazio with the Architecture Department of University Roma Tre
Anna Laura Palazzo ( Architecture Department of University Roma Tre, INU Lazio), Romina D’Ascanio (Architecture Department of University Roma Tre, INU Lazio), Patrizia Ricci (INU Lazio)
Aula Moretti of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Proximity landscape: planning wellbeing
Maria Cristina Tullio (AIAPP), Flavio Trinca (OAR)
Aula De Renzi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Roberto Pallottini (INU Lazio), Marco Vivio (IN/Arch)
Aula Montuori of Architecture at University Roma Tre
A glossary of proximity
Carlo Andorlini (Biennale Prossimità)
9.00-11.00 | Aula Ersoch of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Proximity-making at 15Min. How does the 15min city contribute to social connection enhancing proximity?
curated by Architecture Department of University Roma Tre with Curtin University di Perth
Mauro Baioni (Architecture Department of University of Roma Tre), Francesca Perugia (Curtin University Perth)
9.30-13.00 | Aula Nervi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Urbanism, desire and public space, a dialogue with the research of Sandre Annunziata
curated by Architecture Department of University Roma Tre
10.00-11.00 | Aula Zorzi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
#eSeInveceFosse…? Imagining public space
curated by INU Giovani
11.00-13.00 | Aula Ersoch of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Presentation of the VIII report Urban@it “Mobility and city: towards a post-car city
curated by Architecture Department of University Roma Tre
14.30-18.00 | Aule of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Afternoon thematic sessions
(the sessions will take place simultaneously)
The purpose of the thematic sessions is to provide an interdisciplinary view of neighbourhood policies with the aim of highlighting the physical, environmental and relational dimensions and to activate paths of cooperation and co-design between public bodies, private bodies, companies, professional associations and citizens’ communities.
Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Co-designing proximity
Carmen Giannino (Board INU), Ezio Manzini (President DESIS), Marichela Sepe (University of “Sapienza” of Rome)
Aula Montuori of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Proximity, new local centres and good living
curated by INU Lazio
Paolo Colarossi (President INU Lazio), Elena Andreoni (City of Rome) e Patrizia Ricci (INU Lazio)
Aula Nervi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Health and wellbeing
Alice Buzzone (OAR), M. Grazia Cogliati Dezza (The city that cure)
Aula De Renzi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
The maps of proximity
Vittorio Alvino (Openpolis), Diego Terna e Chiara Quinzii (Studio QTA)
Aula Ridolfi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
What proximity? Network and connections in small towns
Romina D’Ascanio (Department of Architecture University Roma Tre), Antonio Bocca ((Department of Architecture, University “G. d’Annunzio” Ch-Pe)
Aula Moretti of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Energy and sustainable communities
Edoardo Zanchini (City of Rome), Fabiola Fratini (University of “Sapienza” of Rome), Vera Caruso (Biologist)*
Aula Magni of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Urban planning, perspective towards an equally shared city
Iginio Rossi (INU), Elena Marchigiani (University of Trieste), Piera Nobili (CERPA Italia Onlus)
14.30-16.30 | Aula Sabbatini of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Proximity in practice: 15-minute city interactive workshop
Chaterine Gall (Chair ETI, Sorbonne Business School, Paris University 1)
17.00-18.00 | Aula Sabbatini of Architecture at University Roma Tre
How cities are turning the 15-minute city concept into reality
Hélène Chartier (C40), Camille Tallon (C40)
15.00-18.00 | Aula Ersoch of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Proximity without density?
curated by Department of Architecture of University Roma Tre
Milena Farina, Mauro Baioni, Marco Burrascano, Alessandro Gabbianelli, Maria Pone
16.00-18.00 | Aula Morandi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Which idea of public space? The centre, the neighbourhood, the street: a reflection on proximity spaces
Video streaming and roundtable
Emma Tagliacollo (IN/Arch) and regional sections of IN/Arch
15.00-19.00 | Aula Musmeci of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Proximity in the occupied territories of Palestine
curated by the Architecture Department of University Roma Tre
Maria Gabriella Gallo
Streaming of the movie: ERASMUS IN GAZA | by Matteo Delbò and Chiara Avesani
18:00-19,00 Aula Libera Aula Magna Architettura Roma Tre
Presentation of the Charte “Ri-mediare”
curated by design workshop “Ri-mediare”

09.30-10.30 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Towards a Global Observatory of Sustainable Proximities**
Introduction: Andrea Catarci (Councillor of Decentralization of the city of Rome)
Speakers: Carlos Moreno ( Chair ETI, Sorbonne Business School, Paris University 1 )
10.30-13.30 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Roma – the 15 municipalities and the city of proximity**
Presentation of plans and projects, exhibitions, interventions, with the contribution of Rome Districts and the departments of the city of Rome and with the participation of the citizens.
- Institutional greeting Lorenza Bonaccorsi (President of Rome City Hall I)
- The 310 neighbourhoods of the city – Andrea Catarci (Councillor for Decentralisation of Roma Capitale)
- Inequalities in Rome – Lionello Cosentino (Former Member of Parliament)
- Municipio VIII – Amedeo Ciaccheri – (President of Municipio VIII)
- Municipio IX – Titti Di Salvo – (President of Municipio IX)
- Municipio III – Paolo Emilio Marchionne – (President of Municipio III)
- 100 Open Schools – Claudia Pratelli – (Councillor for School, Training and Labour of Roma Capitale*)
- Research mutualism networks and civic poles – Fabrizio Nizi
- PNRR project libraries and civic centres – Miguel Gotor – (Councillor for Culture of Roma Capitale)
- Coworking and hub quarters – Daniele Di Fausto
- Guidelines for the quality of public spaces – Ornella Segnalini (Councillor for Public Works and Infrastructures of Roma Capitale)
- 15 Municipal ambits for the city of 15 minutes – Enrica De Paulis (Director of Roma Capitale) and Elena Andreoni (Department of Urban Planning of Roma Capitale)
- The Tiber as a Space of Proximity – Enrica De Paulis (Director of Roma Capitale)
- RFI Stations as Intermodal Hub and Service Hub: RFI’s interventions on Roman stations – Antonello Martino (RFI Stations Management Engineering Director)
- C40 Reinventing Cities Students: Announcement of the winning project – Carlos Moreno (Chair ETI, Sorbonne Business School, Paris University 1 ) Helene Chartier (Director of Urban Planning and Design at C40 Cities) and Camille Tallon (Project Manager at C40 Cities)
13.30-14.00 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Andrea Catarci (Councillor of Decentralisation of the city of Rome)
Carlos Moreno ( Chair ETI, Sorbonne Business School, Paris University 1 )
14.00-14.30 | Aula Libera (Aula Magna of Architecture at University Roma Tre)
Closure of the Biennial
Paola Carobbi, Riccardo Petrachi (AssoBiSP)
09.00-13.30 | Collateral events
INU per Jane Jacob’s Walk 6.0
Coordination: Manuele Gaetano,Giovanni Daniele, Calcina Roberta, Ambra Bernabò Silorata
10.00-13.30 | Collateral events
Public city / Proximity city
Guided tours with teachers and students of the Roma Tre Department of Architecture in public housing districts
curated by Department of Architecture of University Roma Tre with Open House Roma
Coordination: Milena Farina, Francesca Romana Stabile
During the three days of the Biennial, a projection of the following videos will take place :
Aula Zorzi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Movie on the results of the competition launched by the LAB of the INU Youth
Aula Morandi of Architecture at University Roma Tre
Which idea of public space? The centre, the neighbourhood, the street: a reflection on proximity spaces
Videos promoted by IN/Arch
**Event with simultaneous interpretation